Saturday, January 31, 2009


I’ve decided to take a stand. I am wholeheartedly against spandex. I realize, that spandex, in and of itself, may seem harmless enough; but in the wrong hands (read: on the wrong behind), I assure you, it’s deadly. You might argue that it looks fine on some people to which I would say, that may be; but on the vast majority of us it does not look fine. And because of that said vast majority I am recommending, nay demanding, that spandex be ban in all its forms. Let’s face it, being naked, without really being naked is not okay. Let’s not allow these “decent” exhibitionists to literally stretch the moral fabric of our society. You don’t see nudist colonies anymore, that’s because they’ve all purchased really expensive bicycles, “clothed” themselves in spandex and now flaunt their goodies at every neighborhood coffee shop in America. Don’t let their friendly banter or disarming smiles fool you, they’re the same shaved legged perverts who used to play “all natural” volleyball behind privacy fences. Thats right forlks, they've taken their “show” on the road, but it doesn’t mean we have to stand for it. Unite with me in stopping this very real threat to the very sensibilities that made us great. Say, no to spandex and BAN THE BULGE!


Canaan said...

I'm not sure when I learned how to ride a bike but I do know that the only posterior protection I was outfitted with was a dirty pair of batman underoos and depending on the day maybe shorts. Ever since I have ridden bmx bikes with pegs, rusty ten speeds and mountain bikes with horribly bent rims and not once have I wished my package was more prominently displayed. Sure maybe my arse was sore but nothing like that year in prison. Those concrete benches and spicy prison food really get to you. Just say no to spandx!

Anonymous said...

love the pic...and love the fact that you call weiners "goodies"!!