I caught the local NZ news this morning. A computer guy was on the set with them, showing them two new computers that his company had just recently developed and released, one being their response to the Mac Book Air and the other one was a Ferrari model of the Acer. I'm not quite sure what sort of response they were going for. The news-persons started to prompt answers for their seemingly necessary questions. It had the same size screen and was roughly the same in weight but that was where the similarities stopped. This bundle of half-witted technology was black, thicker in size, had slower processing and could be purchased for about double what it cost to purchase the 'Air'. I have a feeling they are definitely going to sell a lot of those! Watch out NZ Mac Market, you have got competition! The Ferrari model wasn't much better. They are only releasing 19 for the entire country and if you want to be a lucky Kiwi to own a one-in-nineteen version computer with a car logo on the lid you only have to pay $4,899.00. I'd have to agree with the news gal. It looked tacky. The computer spokesperson seemed like he didn't even like the product, or maybe that he didn't really know anything about them. I'm not sure what kind of presentation he was going for other than perhaps a mildly planned farce. That, or he was sacked by lunchtime. 'Cause after that i could tell you exactly how many they are going to sell. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Oooh, i just thought of something...maybe he works for Apple.
1 comment:
An apple a day keeps the computor repair man away.
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